Prayer of the Month, March 2020

Well what can I say? I woke up this morning, it’s blowing a gale, raining, the sky is grey.

I feel miserable. Am I getting a cold? What am I going to say at Bible Study?  Who am I going to see today? What am I going to say to them when I’m not sure of myself?

But I’ve woken up warm in my bed, I’ve had breakfast, I’m not hungry, my family are nearby, I have my car outside, friends to see and a holiday to look forward to. I have so much to be grateful for.

As I sit here quiet, warm and fed I know you are here with me.

I watch the news, I see victims of illness, crime, poverty and social injustice.  I’m glad it’s not me.

Loving Lord, I pray for those less fortunate, those who need to know your love in their lives. I pray that I may show your love in my actions and words, that my church may be a place of peace and refuge, providing comfort and friendship open to all. I pray for those in positions of power that they act with compassion and humility. And I ask that you continue to walk alongside us.


Paula Collins