Prayer of the Month, November 2021

As we slip with ever-increasing speed into winter, Lord God, we pause to revel in the joy of the last autumn days, this glorious gift, this burst of beauty to carry us through the darker days to come. The different shades of russet and gold on the trees, and the crunch of leaves beneath our feet; the misty mornings and the last fragments of warm sunshine; the final in-gathering of fruits, and the smells and the sounds of nature preparing for sleep. But preparing too for new birth, as seed heads pop and scatter their treasure on damp earth, ready for re-awakening in the spring, and roots deep beneath the ground subtly and silently spread their tentacles against the grip of the first frosts. So much to be thankful and to praise you for, Lord, so much to value, to cherish, and to look forward to. Forgive us for the mistakes we have made, some out of ignorance, many out of greed, which have damaged and disfigured your world. We pray for COP 26 as world leaders meet in Glasgow to discuss the effects of climate change, that your Holy Spirit will guide them in the decisions they make. And keep us ever mindful of the fragility of your Creation, and of our responsibility to protect and to care for all you have made. Most of all we thank you, Lord, for your constant love and care, and for being there for us in all the seasons of our lives!


Liz Stuart