Worship for Maundy Thursday

You may like to light a candle

On this night we remember the story.

We see thirty silver coins,
and remember that a kiss became betrayal;
We hear a cock crow,
and remember that loyalty turned to denial,
We remember Jesus,

eating, drinking,
sharing bread and wine.

praying in agony,

vulnerable, alone,

deserted by those he called friends.

We remember the love that will never let us go.


Hymn:  My song is love unknown (StF 277)


Prayer of confession:

Lord Jesus Christ,

once more we remember that last week

before you faced the cross,

your pain and hurt as you faced betrayal,

denial, rejection and abandonment,

and we confess that we have added to your pain.

We claim to love you,

yet all too often we have betrayed you.

In our thoughts, words and deeds,

we have deserted you

and denied you.

Lord Jesus Christ,

have mercy upon us and forgive us.


Lord Jesus Christ,

You forgive us,

cleanse us and restore us,

You gave your own life for our sakes.

Receive our thanks and praise

That nothing can ever separate us from your love.

Teach us to follow you more faithfully,                        

wherever you may lead us,

for in your name we pray. Amen.


Reading:  John 13:1-15


To ponder:

Jesus comes and kneels at your feet with the bowl and towel.

What do you say?


He pours the water over your feet, and gently washes them clean.

What does he say to you?


“If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”


Hymn: Brother, sister, let me serve you (StF 611)



Prayers of intercession:

Lord Jesus Christ,

We recall today that you came as one of us,

sharing our humanity.

As we recall the suffering and death

that you endured for each and every one of us,

we bring to you all who suffer in body, mind or spirit.


We bring the leaders of the nations,

faced with making decisions that affect so many people…..


We bring those in the NHS and all key workers.,

those who are fearful,

those who are exhausted,

those who are separated from family and friends…..


We bring those who are in pain,

racked by illness or disease,

harmed through violence,

disaster or accident…..


We bring those whose are anxious,

frightened and struggling to cope in these uncertain times,

those who feel overwhelmed by the change in our daily lives,

those who feel desperately lonely with no human arms to hold them,

those trying to home school their children,

those facing losing their employment,

those under financial pressure,

those who cannot feed their families…..


We bring those who mourn loved ones

and those who face death themselves.

We remember those we have lost…..


We bring our own thoughts and concerns…..


Lord Jesus Christ,

Reach out now in love and compassion to us all.

Grant us the assurance of your presence with us always,

the knowledge that nothing can separate us from your love,

and the blessing of your peace.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer,

For we ask it in your name.



Hymn: The Servant King


Reading: Mark 14:32-42a


We extinguish the candle.