The five-and-a-half-kilometre sponsored walk on Saturday April 27th to raise money for Christian Aid began with registration at the Cathedral and a short service. The Dean welcomed the walkers and set the scene within the traditions of the Cathedral, climate change and the impact on the poorest. Bex Turner, Christian Aid regional coordinator, illustrated the work of Christian Aid in transforming the lives of three particular people. With the singing of hymns and with prayer the walk was blessed.
The organisers provided not only forms and booklets but tabards and badges to wear and a map to guide the groups of walkers. The route took in sites of interest such as China Town and Archway, Manchester Museum, Library and Town Hall. However, the main ‘stations’ where ‘passports’ could be stamped were the Cathedral, Methodist Central Hall, Manchester Museum, Friends Meeting House, St Mary’s (Hidden Gem), Cross Street Unitarian Church and St Ann’s. Lunch could be had anywhere but many chose the Nexus Café (photo below). Excellent refreshments and cakes were provided at the Friends Meeting House and more at St Ann’s where certificates were handed to those completing the walk.
Numbers might have been larger if the threat from storm Hannah hadn’t been so great. In the event the wind wasn’t too bad and the showers intermittent. Hints were given that this Circle Walk might not be the last … so, look out for the details next year and come along; the weather should be better!
By taking part and collecting sponsorship money, the hundred or so walkers were not just walking the streets of Manchester but stepping out in mission for the world’s poorest people alongside others from all walks of life and Christian traditions … and making a real difference.