1 December Genesis 1: 1–5
Beginning our journey through Advent, it seems particularly
appropriate that, as we prepare again to welcome Jesus, the light of
the world, we begin with a reflection on the role of light in the very
beginning of all that is.
Imagine a chaotic situation of darkness, immense quantities of water,
powerful, sweeping wind . Most needed, is light, so not surprisingly,
Genesis begins, not only with the creation of physical light, but the
action of God, separating light and darkness and declaring it good.
During the Second World War, with a blackout over the country,
inspectors identified the tiniest glow and knocked on doors to ensure
it was extinguished. The intensity of the darkness was total, although
when there were no clouds the sight of the stars was awesome, for
many, evoking a reverence for the creator.
Light is an often-used word in our scriptures, not referring just to
physical light, but as a means of perceiving. Even totally blind people
can be ‘enlightened’, with new understanding. Imagine being in
church in darkness with just one candle burning, but with the light
spreading as we swiftly pass it from one to another.
Advent gives us an opportunity to deepen our perception as we
reflect not just on the coming of Jesus as a baby, but on the way his
life and teaching, death and resurrection, enlightened people
centuries ago, and continue to do so today.
Ros Murphy
Enlightening God, open our eyes to the wonder of your creation and
especially to Jesus, the light of the world. Enable us to share the light of
your truth in our dark world. Amen.